Starbucks Coffee Creamer Review


If you follow me on Instagram you know my love for Starbucks, currently my favourite (and only) weekend activity is going there to get a delicious caffeinated beverage. So when I heard that Starbucks came out when a coffee creamer, you KNOW I had to go try it. Also let me start off by saying… no one is paying me to say any of this - I wish I was (@starbucks are you listening???). I got myself the: Starbucks Cinnamon Dolce Latte Creamer

I originally wanted to try the Caramel Macchiato (!!!) flavour but we ordered it online and they swapped it for the cinnamon which is finnnneeee, beggars can’t be choosers I suppose. We got it for $4.97 at Walmart which is more than the usual price of plain cream which is like $2-3 (aka what I normally put in my coffee).

First thoughts: when we opened it up and I smelled it, it LITERALLY smells like Cinnabon cinnamon buns so we are OFF to a great start, you know I had to try a lil bit on its own and it tastes exactly the way it smells, so again - a win in my books. I also will note that it doesn’t have that artificial after taste that normally comes with most flavoured stuff. Alright so now for the good stuff… how does it taste in a:

Keurig Coffee: Alright so most mornings I make myself a regular coffee, I have been having the Timothy’s pods (if I’m super sleepy I like the extra dark roast rain forrest espresso). When I first made it I was unsure of the correct proportions so I tried one “smaller coffee spoon” full with the Starbucks creamer (no idea the measurement of this), and I didn’t taste much. Then I added another one, a bit more taste, but it was more of a subtle cinnamon aftertaste without having to put it in my coffee (and have it weirdly floating everywhere - annoying amirite?). So it was good, definitely levelled up my usual coffee and it was good.

Lazy Girl Latte: This changed my life. omg. ok if you don’t know what a lazy girl latte is, click here to watch my reel. I didn’t think much of it when I was making it but something about heating up the milk with the creamer and it just made the flavour SO good. It was cinnamon-y creamy deliciousness, every sip tasted like a cinnamon bun. I was shook.

Nespresso Latte: This changed my life… again, even more so in fact because I did not expect it. So obviously a machine made to create a latte just might be better than my microwave (hence the - l a z y), but I didn’t expect it to be THIS good. So everything I said about the above… but it had DELICIOUS foam, with lil flecks of cinnamon. aksjfhalksjfa 10/10!!!!!

So there you have it, trying out the goods so that you don’t have to! Let me know what you think too!!!


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