The Silvestro Wedding Series

When I was thinking about starting a blog, I was listening to a podcast where someone mentioned they first started theres as a way to remember their wedding planning. I thought “wow that is such a nice idea”, and then because I listen to podcasts in the car forgot about it and continued living my life.

Fast forward now like two years: I have my blog, and am about to start wedding planning back up. Time keeps going by SO fast, and I want something to capture all these little moments. We are going to have all these amazing memories from our wedding day but I really want to compile all these little planning pearls (and mishaps, and adventures, and future hilarious stories, etc. etc.) and put it all together in one place where I can always remember what it was like.

So buckle up friends, it’s going to be a fun ride.

Welcome to the: Silvestro Wedding Series


Wedding Dresses - What to Know


I said “YES”