Chiropractic, Health Wellness, & All Things Fitness

Everything in the title used to be a foreign concept to me. I grew up playing sports (so cliché), playing soccer and volleyball in high school, so I never really thought about “exercising” I was just on a team, fun!

And then I went to university… and lived on residence… and ate a lot of food. So the freshman 15 became the real deal. That summer I came home, and played soccer, and wham - back to normal. I would go back to university, pack on a couple of pounds shed them off in the summer and repeat. I spent my entire undergrad thinking I was too busy to go to the gym while studying, and justified my poor eating habits as a result of my very stressful student life.

And then I went to chiropractic college, and just about everyone there is an athlete. I remember telling someone that I played soccer and they asked if I was on a varsity team - like pardon? Try house league, honey. Anyways, I ended up learning how to navigate the gym with the help of my friends, and despite having the MOST stressful student schedule imaginable, it became this escape for me; a way to manage my school related anxiety. I started to choose healthier food options, prepare my meals myself, and feel better.

Now exercising, and choosing healthier alternatives feel like second nature, and now I am a healthcare professional. I’ve been winding health related road, I have picked up some tips and tricks that have helped me along the way, and would love to share with you.

Can’t wait to join you on your healthcare journey!


Coffee loving chiro


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