Baked Brie Recipe: Strawberry Walnut & Caramel Apple Pecan


I love cheese. It’s just a fact, and brie is one of my favourites. We are constantly getting creative of what toppings to put on top, so here are two ideas that we put together for a sweeter baked brie:

1) Strawberry Walnut
2) Caramel Apple Pecan

They’re pretty self explanatory but let my break it down for you!

Yields: approximately 5 servings (our whole family devoured it)


1 wheel of brie cheese,

  • Strawberry & Walnut

    • strawberries (approximate 5)

    • strawberry jam

    • crushed walnuts

  • Caramel Apple & Pecan

    • 1 apple, chopped into small pieces

    • caramel to drizzle

    • maple syrup to drizzle

    • cinnamon

    • pecans


  • Preheat oven to 450 degrees

  • Cut brie cheese in half down the middle, so that it’s in into 2 round pieces

  • Place the apple pieces in the microwave for approximately 25 seconds (depending on your microwave strength) to soften

  • Now here is the fun part, we didn’t measure anything. We covered each of the brie wheels with the ingredients basically to our liking until they were coated

  • Place in the over for approximately 15 minutes, or until melty and gooey (so for us basically means a big ol blob).

  • Add additional toppings/seasoning as needed, we drizzled more caramel and syrup for our caramel apple one

  • Serve with bread or crackers (which are basically just a scooping tool for the cheese), & enjoy!



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