2020 Highlights

Happy New Year!!! What a year it has been, I‘m still in disbelief that 2020 has come and gone. It was the longest/shortest year (so weird), and I remember at this point one year ago being so excited for what is to come… amidst the chaos (like being unable to work for almost 3 months) there have been great moments too! Some of these great times wouldn’t have been possible if the world wasn’t upside down, and it’s so important reflect on the positive things in life, whether they be big or small. So I made a list of 5 of my highlights from 2020:

1) Opening my own clinic - Russo Family Chiropractic
This has been my dream since I was a student, thinking it would only be possible maybe 10 years after I graduated. Low and behold, here I am way ahead of schedule. I am so thankful to have such a wonderful community of amazing patients, and have absolutely loved that I am able to do this. There has been so much work put into renovations, getting new chiropractic tables/desks/chairs/PPE etc. along with meetings with the bank/patient bookings systems/other local businesses but I am loving every step of the way!

2) Celebrating 1 year of being engaged
Wow this one hits me in the feels, we have officially picked our wedding date (!!!), and this year we went back to the spot my fiancé proposed to me at. Honestly, I am so blessed to have this incredible man in my life and can’t wait to marry him! I could seriously go on forever about how much I love him, so I’ll keep it short n sweet.

3) Spending more time with my family
I am super close to my family, and normally throughout the year my siblings and I are all over the place between work/school/life. With everything going on we all ended up under one roof and got to do so many fun things - whether it be making coffee drinks, hanging outside in the backyard, home workouts, movie nights, we truly made the best of it.

4) Meeting my cousin’s baby girl
Our crew grew with the arrival of miss Olivia, my cousin is the first in the family to have a baby and this was the first great-grandchild for my Nonna!!! We were all excited to say the least, even though everything looked a lot different than we had hoped, we are so happy everyone is safe, happy, and healthy.

5) The love, cards, presents, and well wishes this holiday season from friends, family, and patients
The hardest part about this year was not being able to see family and friends. Now I’m not a letter person so I don’t send any, and December is one of the busiest months (both with the holidays, and as a chiropractor) - if I got one Christmas card I would be shocked. So to receive the amount of mailed holiday cards and thoughtful Christmas gifts from patients, friends, and family… I was blown away. Even when I think about it, it almost brings me to tears. I feel so fortunate to be surrounded by such wonderful people.

I would love to hear your 2020 highlights too!
Here’s to 2021!!!


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