Summer Date Night Ideas

Summer is my favourite season (if you didn’t know already) but obviously this year has been a lot different than usual, for so many reasons. We have been trying to make the most of it, and one of the ways has been spending more time outside! I’m not an outdoorsy person by any means, but I do love the sunshine and warm weather. Here are some ideas and things that we have done to make the most of summer, and the added bonus a lot of these options are inexpensive, are socially distanced, and truly allow for quality time spend together. I said date night but this can be done with bae, your mom, sister, best friend, whoever! We still have a couple weeks to make the most of it so here are some summer outdoor date ideas:

  1. Go for a drive & explore - we are so lucky we live north of the city, so going for a 10-15 min drive takes us to farms, fields, small communities, and beautiful scenery. We usually find somewhere to park, end up on an adventure and find hidden gems. Which also leads us to point #2.

  2. Make anything a picnic - we keep a blanket in the car so that we basically can have an impromptu picnic at any point. Anytime that we get take out food, an ice cream, or just have a nice spot, we enjoy it on the grass outside sitting on a blanket.

  3. Go for a walk - this is so nice because not only is this count as physical activity, but it’s such a great way to spend quality time together. Whether it’s a walk around the block, or finding a trail nearby, you put your phones away and spend a set amount of time interrupted to catch up and talk.  

  4. Outdoor yoga/soccer/sports - we both love yoga and will take our mats outside to enjoy the sun during our sun salutations (punny). However you can apply this to any sport that you love, we’ve kicked around a soccer ball, tossed up a volleyball, dribbled a basket ball, etc.

  5. Enjoy the little things together in the backyard/balcony etc. - ok this is super simple but coffee outside in the morning, having dinner in the sunshine, enjoying a glass of wine while the sun sets - these are all such little things that can be enjoyed outside! You’ll be glad you did. 


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