Thankful for Thanksgiving

I have been officially falling in love with the fall season (as you probably have seen from all of my Instagram posts - @dr.alenarusso). The last lifestyle blog post I did was about all the fall fun activities north of Toronto which I have been trying to tick off every one of them this year (so far I’ve been apple picking, and gotten pizza from Spirit Tree). But thanksgiving holds a special place in my heart, because I absolutely love to spend time with my family and loved ones. This year might be a bit different, but here are some of my favourite things about this weekend that I am so looking forward to:

  1. Turkey - I loveeeeee turkey (+ gravy + mashed potatoes) and we basically only eat it at this holiday so look forward to it all year. This year I am going to be attempting to make the turkey for my family (???!!!) after helping to make one during friendsgiving. Stay tuned to see how that turns out. If we are talking turkey, I also need to mention stuffing. My nonna created this delicious stuffing recipe that includes ground beef and parmesan cheese that is just so superior to all others. If I make the turkey, I will definitely be making the stuffing so again - stay tuned.

  2. Dessert - I didn’t include this in the above post because I felt as though it needed it’s own point. I usually have a plate stacked of sweets because everything is too good to say no to: pumpkin pie, apple pie, carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, I could go on but I’m already drooling and will definitely be indulging in these.

  3. Halloween Movies - Ok this is an ongoing movie marathon thing throughout the autumn season, but I adore some of the “old school” Family channel Halloween movies like Scream Team and Halloween Town 1-3, we will definitely be putting some of these on.

  4. Bonfire - Having a warm fire, and cozying up in blankets with a warm apple cider basically screams fall. Even though the weather is starting to get chilly, throw on a bunch of layers and get that fire going.

  5. Fall Drives - Now usually my fiancé and I are going to all of our families houses for thanksgiving (last year we had 4 thanksgiving dinners - 4!!!). We are so fortunate to live in such a beautiful area, and as we drive all across the GTA we get to all of the leaves changing colour and gorgeous scenery.

What are your favourite things about the Thanksgiving weekend? Hoping that you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and stay healthy, safe, and enjoy it.


Coffee Loving Chiro


Halloween Costume Ideas


Fall Fun North of Toronto